Stewart Bint
Stewart Bint is a novelist and magazine columnist.
His publishers are Next Chapter Publishing, for Thunderlands, and To Rise Again, and Dragon Moon Press for When God's Wind Blows, The Jigsaw And The Fan, Timeshaft, and In Shadows Waiting.
Married to Sue, he has two grown-up children, Christopher and Charlotte, and lives in Leicestershire in the UK.
He is a member of the influential international authors group, The Awethors, and as a former professional broadcaster, he has worked as a radio newsreader, current affairs presenter and phone-in show host.
His inspiration to become a writer came at the tender age of seven, through the television series, Doctor Who. He says: "I remember watching the very first episode way back in 1963, and became enraptured by the storylines which could take place at any time in Earth's history and future, and absolutely anywhere in the universe and beyond. I started creating my own worlds and my own characters, writing my stories in little blue notebooks until my parents bought me my first typewriter for my ninth birthday. And those make-believe worlds became invaluable when my Dad died when I was 11. I retreated more and more into those places where I was in control of my characters' fate - knowing that whatever happened to them during the story, I could make sure they were okay in the end. My worlds were certainly better than the real one at that time."
When not writing he is passionate about mental health, having gained a place on Defying Mental Illness's list of "Inspirational Mental Health Advocates that are changing the world." Inspirational Mental Health Advocates that are changing the world! - Defying Mental Illness
His publishers are Next Chapter Publishing, for Thunderlands, and To Rise Again, and Dragon Moon Press for When God's Wind Blows, The Jigsaw And The Fan, Timeshaft, and In Shadows Waiting.
Married to Sue, he has two grown-up children, Christopher and Charlotte, and lives in Leicestershire in the UK.
He is a member of the influential international authors group, The Awethors, and as a former professional broadcaster, he has worked as a radio newsreader, current affairs presenter and phone-in show host.
His inspiration to become a writer came at the tender age of seven, through the television series, Doctor Who. He says: "I remember watching the very first episode way back in 1963, and became enraptured by the storylines which could take place at any time in Earth's history and future, and absolutely anywhere in the universe and beyond. I started creating my own worlds and my own characters, writing my stories in little blue notebooks until my parents bought me my first typewriter for my ninth birthday. And those make-believe worlds became invaluable when my Dad died when I was 11. I retreated more and more into those places where I was in control of my characters' fate - knowing that whatever happened to them during the story, I could make sure they were okay in the end. My worlds were certainly better than the real one at that time."
When not writing he is passionate about mental health, having gained a place on Defying Mental Illness's list of "Inspirational Mental Health Advocates that are changing the world." Inspirational Mental Health Advocates that are changing the world! - Defying Mental Illness