My guest blogger today is fellow novelist A V Turner. Her topic here - Doctor Who, and the passing of the mantle from Peter Capaldi to Jodie Whittaker. Without further ado, over to A V. So the Doctor Who Christmas Special saw the regeneration of the 13th Doctor. For the first time we have a gender change, as Peter Capaldi became that very fine actress, Jodie Whittaker. And what about her immortal first words, as she saw her reflection in the Tardis's scanner screen: "Oh, brilliant"? Now, this particular change has sparked some interesting comments over social media, and also with die hard Doctor Who fans worldwide. |
Was it a good move to make the new Doctor female?
Personally, I think it is a stroke of genius. I have long admired the writers of this enigma - Mark Gatiss is a particular favourite of mine; an excellent calibre of writer (you only have to watch “Sherlock” to be reminded of that) and Russell T Davies, Steven Moffat, to name but a few.
Having decided on the gender, they must have deliberated long and hard who to cast in this role, as it is one you really do have to get absolutely right, otherwise all credibility goes flying out of the Tardis door faster than Jodie did in her incredible opening sequence.
Having watched Jodie with interest since the announcement, I think she will do extremely well. She has the experience, good looks, and screen presence. Also, something that sets her apart from some of her peers, is that little bit extra, which you can never quite put your finger on; but you know it’s there, and it’s all good.
Costume is of great importance for a role like this, and I think they have it right, with a nod to previous incarnations. The long coat, the stripes, the braces. Quirky, but clean and professional looking.
In this day and age it is extremely important to have strong women as role models, capable of controlling a situation as well as any male. It is an important message to send to future generations. No longer will we see females as the ones running screaming to a male, asking “What are we going to do?”. Women have equally intelligent brains as men. Life is not a competition, but simply existing side by side, as equals.
It is then, a brave move to make the 13th Doctor a lady, but a wise one. It promises to be a polished, and professional production, and I personally cannot wait for the first episode which airs in the Autumn.
ABOUT A V TURNER A V Turner is originally from Nottingham. Her debut novel “In it for the Long Run” was published in November 2017, and she also writes magazine articles, and blogs for fitness company, Jordan Joseph UK. Her second book comes out in 2018, and is aimed at getting children interested in fitness and outdoor exercise. A keen runner and charity campaigner, she lives in rural Shropshire with her husband and daughter. In it for the Long Run is available on Amazon, here. Follow A V Turner on Twitter: |